#AOTM137: Gregory Isaacs – John Law

31st October 2014WORDS: Smiley

Gussie Clarke’s speaker-busting sequel to Rumoursthis wild murderer of a tune finds the Lonely Lover turned Don Gorgon in cahoots with foundation artist Freddie McGregor and young gun Ninjaman in a musical snake pit. Thumping drums and a pulsating digital bassline, along with eerie Ennio Morricone effects blend the past of Reggae (Spaghetti westerns have influenced Jamaican music since the Ska days) with it’s present. McGregor, Isaacs and Ninja become the Good, the Bad and the Ugly, with ominous visions of border-crossings, bullets with names engraved on them, and the relentless chase between Rude Boys and John Law. One of Gregory’s finest digital cuts…

Also listen to:
Gregory Isaacs – Mind Yu Dis
Dennis Brown & Gregory Isaacs – Big All Around
The Mighty Diamonds & Gregory Isaacs – Rough Neck